Crystal Palace Bowmen


Membership of Crystal Palace Bowmen for outdoor archery is currently £70 a year starting in January. You also need to associate with Kent Archery Association, Southern Counties Archery Society and Archery GB which is set by those organisations and is currently £60 payable by October. The total yearly cost is £130. There are concessionary rates available and a reduction for joining part way through a year.

Contact Us

One of the best ways of contacting us is to come down to the range when we are shooting and meet with us. If you cannot do that then you can contact various people by e-mail:-

Outdoor Shooting

We meet on Sunday mornings and can shoot all day from 10:00. (Members should arrive early enough to help set up the range.) This gives ample time to shoot the longer rounds. We are not allowed to shoot on a Saturday but can shoot on most other days provided a key holder is available to open the equipment shed. The club has an online booking system and a WhatsApp group to find out if a keyholder will be available.