Crystal Palace Bowmen

Ind Coope 2019


Some photos by Terry and Kim of the very windy club outing to the Leaves Green team event.

Ind Coope 2018

Some photos by Alan of the club outing to Leaves Green on the day of the Biggin Hill airshow. It's a team event (3 in a team) with everyone shooting a long national round.


Alans Ind Coope photo Alans Ind Coope photo Alans Ind Coope photo Alans Ind Coope photo Alans Ind Coope photo Alans Ind Coope photo Alans Ind Coope photo Alans Ind Coope photo Alans Ind Coope photo Alans Ind Coope photo Alans Ind Coope photo Alans Ind Coope photo Alans Ind Coope photo Alans Ind Coope photo Alans Ind Coope photo Alans Ind Coope photo Alans Ind Coope photo Alans Ind Coope photo Alans Ind Coope photo Alans Ind Coope photo